100 Days Out


On November 24th, 2023, Jagathon had their 100 Days Out Push Day to fundraise money For More Futures. This push day lasted 24 hours! It was a special milestone because Jagathon was officially 100 days away from Jagathon 2024! This year the 100 Days Out Push landed on Black Friday, during IUPUI’s Thanksgiving Break. It was challenging for members to raise money during the holidays, but by working together Jagathon managed to raise $2,749.32! It was amazing to see how dedicated and passionate our members were in fundraising For More Futures. So many miracles were made in such a short amount of time.
Let's dive into the achievement of the top fundraisers for the 100 Days Out Push. Spencer Creed (Chair), Rebekah Johnson (Committee Member), and Brooke Stonefield (Committee Member) truly went above and beyond in their fundraising efforts. Together, they managed to raise an outstanding total of $1,100! Congratulations to these members for their hard work and dedication during the holiday break. Their contributions do not go unnoticed and are making a real difference in supporting more futures!
(100 Days Out Top Fundraisers)
Marathon to Miracles

Jagathon’s upcoming push day, Marathon to Miracles (M2M), is the biggest push day of the year for Jagathon. Members all across Jagathon strive to reach our biggest fundraising goal yet. During M2M, you’ll see members putting in their efforts from the crack of dawn till late at night reaching out to people all over Indiana, seeking donations to support Jagathon’s cause.

Jagathon 2024

As we countdown to Jagathon 2024, the anticipation is building, and the planning is in full swing. Chairs, Committee Members, and the Executive Board are all hard at work brainstorming ideas, organizing events, and making a detailed timeline for the big day. With less than 100 Days remaining, every minute counts and everyone is focused on ensuring that Jagathon 2024 is an unforgettable experience for our Riley kiddos!